We know already that different foods have different caloric load, but do we know exactly what is the relationship between weight and caloric different foods?
All nutrition experts join a point that has to do with the need to count calories. Magazine "Wise Geek" has listed 71 foods and move them to deliver a load of 200 calories.
Thanks to this list, you can Calculate amounts of calories you need to get and to actually get in a day.
Below is a list of usable meat from us:
1. 385 grams of apple = 200 calories
2. 145 grams of pasta = 200 calories
3. 75 grams of fried potatoes = 200 calories
4. 66 grams of sausage = 200 calories
5. 28 grams of butter = 200 calories
6. 33 grams of dried fruit = 200 calories
7. 50 grams of salted biscuits = 200 calories
8. Coca Cola 496 ml = 200 calories
9. Sedano 1425 grams = 200 calories
10. 588 grams of broccoli = 200 calories
11. 740 grams of peppers = calories
12. 570 grams of carrots = 200 calories
13. 475 grams of onion = 200 calories
14. 375 grams of peas = 200 calories
Saturday, January 24, 2015
How to feed the facial skin without artificial products !
If you are bored with cosmetic products which do not give the effect you
want, the solution will is that you can prepare something in household
If you want to feed the skin, a mask would be to use the egg and powdered sugar. Masks concerned with two products, makes your skin is soft and smooth, without costs.
For this we need:
- 1 egg white
- 1 tablespoon powdered sugar.
Method of preparation:
At first get a plate, pour the white of an egg, well rrihini by a fork. Then add sugar, mix well and then can apply the mask to the face. Mask let stand 10-15 minutes. To remove the mask enough to have water. Then coat the face with a cream with milk ingredients, to obtain proper brightness.
If you want to feed the skin, a mask would be to use the egg and powdered sugar. Masks concerned with two products, makes your skin is soft and smooth, without costs.
For this we need:
- 1 egg white
- 1 tablespoon powdered sugar.
Method of preparation:
At first get a plate, pour the white of an egg, well rrihini by a fork. Then add sugar, mix well and then can apply the mask to the face. Mask let stand 10-15 minutes. To remove the mask enough to have water. Then coat the face with a cream with milk ingredients, to obtain proper brightness.
Skoliosis and Spina bifida
Scoliosis is abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column and accompanied with the rotation of the vertebrae. Wich often is no known cause, in this case occurs especially in girls during adolescence. Wrong attitudes and neuromuscular pain may also be due to scoliosis.
Spina bifida is a disorder that comes from malfunction of two vertebral arches. It can happen usually L5-S1 level and results in a vertebral canal open. It may be two types. Type occult is commonly and associated clinical signs. The second type is presented with the emergence of the defect level of the spinal medules chips and parts thereof, associated with neurological signs.
Spina bifida is a disorder that comes from malfunction of two vertebral arches. It can happen usually L5-S1 level and results in a vertebral canal open. It may be two types. Type occult is commonly and associated clinical signs. The second type is presented with the emergence of the defect level of the spinal medules chips and parts thereof, associated with neurological signs.
Hernie Discale
Intervertebral disc formed from the central part, the nucleus pulpous and peripheral fibrous anulusi. The latter is composed of fibrous ring clamp holding the nucleus pulpous. In different circumstances can occur gaps in these rings through which the nuclei material emerges and manages to channel forming hernien vertebral disc which can suppress neural structures that are found there. Depending on the structures pressed disc hernia presents its clinical signs (exmpl. lumbar pain).
Friday, January 23, 2015
Kilogram melt quickly with magic soup!
Simple diet of soup '' magic '' or cabbage soup, because of its practicality, was once very popular. Suitable for all, especially for people who do not have much free time, this diet is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals such .Si it accelerates metabolism, helps in melting fats and cleansing the body of toxins. This diet soup base, for the preparation of which does not need heavy costs.
It can be caught in large quantities and can stay a few days. Perparesiar of this diet is that, during her detention, do not need to endure hunger. Poor soup calorie drink preferably in limited quantities, at any time of day. The more you drink, the more will get thiner. Depending on certain days, can eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats, rice and milk drink. If you do not like meat, pork, on certain days can eat chicken breast without skin, grilled, or can eat grilled fish. It is important that only some of these days not to eat beef.
During maintaining this diet, is prohibited drinking alcoholic beverages and sugary drinks and eating the bread is not allowed and pastries (including pasta, spaghetti ...).
It is important to drink plenty of fluids, at least 6-8 glasses a day, and hack without sugar, or even a cup of black coffee. If you hold the menu, the first week will lose 4.5 to 7 kg. If you lose more than 7 pounds, before continuing with the diet, pauzoni few days.
Soup ingredients:
6 onions, a large cabbage, a large celery, 2 green peppers, carrots 2-4, 4-5 tomatoes or 2 cans tomato, 1.5 l of water, 2 packages of soup or chicken soup meters, or cow, parsley, salt, pepper and spices (spices) plant as desired.
First day: drink only soup and eat fruit.
You can eat all fruits except bananas.
You can also drink water and tea without sugar.
Second day: drink soup and eat vegetables (fresh, cooked, canned).
Avoid beans, peas and corn. For dinner can eat baked potatoes with the peel, with a little salt and butter.
Day Three: allowed to drink soup and eat all kinds of vegetables and fruit. If they're restrained guidelines, should have lost 2-3 pounds.
Fourth day: drink soup and fat free milk, eat up to 3 bananas.
Day five: can drink soup in unlimited quantities and can eat meat and vegetables. DAG can eat 300-600 boiled cow meat and 6 tomatoes.
Day Six: drink soup, eat meat boiled beef and vegetables, but not potatoes.
Day Seven: in addition to soup, you can also eat integral rice cooked in water with spices as desired. Eat all the vegetables.
Since the early days of the diet can lose 2-4 pounds, mostly water. Only if you continue to obey the rules of this diet can have a lasting loss kileve. Preferably, after they have complied with this diet for seven days, the pauzoni two weeks and start again, of course, if you want to lose even more weight.
Which is the ideal weight according to length!
The results based on a kind of formula: (Your Height-100) - (10% x length - 100) = Weight.
1-If you are tall 1.50,your ideal weight is = 45.0 kg
2-If you are tall 1.55 cm,your ideal weight is = 49.5 kg
3-If you are tall 1.60 cm, your ideal weight is = 54.0 kg.
4-If you are tall 1.65 cm, your ideal weight is = 58.5 kg.
5-If you are tall 1.70 cm, your ideal weight is = 62.9 kg.
6-If you are tall 1.75 cm, your ideal weight is = 67.5 kg.
7-If you are tall 1.80 cm, your ideal weight is = 71.9 kg.
8- If you are tall 1.85 cm, your ideal weight is = 76.3 kg.
9 If you are tall 1.90 cm, your ideal weight is = 81.5 kg.
10-If you are tall 1.95 cm, your ideal weight is = 86.5 kg.
1-If you are tall 1.50,your ideal weight is = 45.0 kg
2-If you are tall 1.55 cm,your ideal weight is = 49.5 kg
3-If you are tall 1.60 cm, your ideal weight is = 54.0 kg.
4-If you are tall 1.65 cm, your ideal weight is = 58.5 kg.
5-If you are tall 1.70 cm, your ideal weight is = 62.9 kg.
6-If you are tall 1.75 cm, your ideal weight is = 67.5 kg.
7-If you are tall 1.80 cm, your ideal weight is = 71.9 kg.
8- If you are tall 1.85 cm, your ideal weight is = 76.3 kg.
9 If you are tall 1.90 cm, your ideal weight is = 81.5 kg.
10-If you are tall 1.95 cm, your ideal weight is = 86.5 kg.
Systemic Human Anatomy

Systemic Human Anatomy makes the study of his body according systems. A system consisting of anatomical organs function the same or related to one another.
Besides their systemic anatomy of the endocrine glands studied the sensory organs, which are not considered separately anatomical systems, as well as skin. Also studies the human body spaces.
In systemic anatomy is involved :
•Osseous System
•Articular System
•Muscular System
•Digestive System
•Respirator System
•Urinary System
•Genital System
•Cardiovascular System
•Lymphoid System
•Nervous System
•Endocrine Glands
•Sensory organs
•Skin and related structures of
•Cranial space
•Thoracic space
•Abdominal and pelvic space
Parts of the body
Parts of the human body in anatomy are the head, neck, trunk, upper limbs and lower limbs. While the trunk and limbs are further divided into other parts or subparts. Head Neck
Trunk ,wherein they are part:
1-Thorax or Chest,
2-The abdomen or belly,
3-Pelvis, which is the lower part of the bellyt
The upper limb, in which they are part:
1-Upper limb circle or circle breastplate
3-Central armrest
Lower limbs, wherein they are part:
1-Circle of lower limb or pelvic ring
Body parts are also spaces:
1-Cranial Space
2-Thoracic Space
3-Abdominal and pelvic Space
Trunk ,wherein they are part:
1-Thorax or Chest,
2-The abdomen or belly,
3-Pelvis, which is the lower part of the bellyt
The upper limb, in which they are part:
1-Upper limb circle or circle breastplate
3-Central armrest
Lower limbs, wherein they are part:
1-Circle of lower limb or pelvic ring
Body parts are also spaces:
1-Cranial Space
2-Thoracic Space
3-Abdominal and pelvic Space
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Why have cramps in muscles?
Cramps are muscle contraction and contraction basic which activate your muscles, but, unlike regular contractions, these contractions are too painful. When muscles cramp fall, are involuntary contractions. In order to happen contraction, nerve or nerve group should activated. Some strains to activate the nervous group lead to muscle contraction, even when we do not want. Normally, after a contraction of the muscle, the brain sends a signal to the muscles to relax.
During the deadlock, the signal for relaxation is not so clear.
Then comes the lack of balance between activators and inhibitors and our shrinking continues until the result in deadlocks. It is not known exactly why there is imbalance, but it is a theory which falls muscles cramp, are simply too tired.Many think that it is a consequence of dehydration, but science is not so sure for this.
Dehydration : If you are dehydrated, then it creates a certain imbalance in the body, particularly in liquids and salts, a state which affects the whole body and not in a particular muscle. Could it be that dehydration and lack of it is related to the lack of certain minerals such as; potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are responsible for the appearance of convulsions, but it is not safe.
Drug: Some medications are listed that may have potential side effects such as; muscle cramps. There is a genetic predisposition for frequent cramps, for they do not know enough. So all those who say that the appearance of deadlock related to the consumption of some drugs
Heat: Sometimes cramps announced due to some external factors that otherwise could easily be avoided, for example, when after a hot day on the beach sleep with legs uncovered and cold winds blowing over them. The good thing is that most of the deadlock can leave massage or traction and lasting no more than a few minutes. For muscle convulsions do not need to worry shumë.Më the worst that can happen to you is that they can continue for several days. In rare cases, cramps may signal more serious diseases, such as spinal cord injury or nerve pluck. If you frequently have pain, contact your doctor.Only he can tell you exactly how to do when you have problems with cramps and what to eat and drink that these be overcome, because the real pain caused by cramps are often unbearable.Muscular System
The muscular system is a set of muscle of bodies of living organisms and make possible their movement. Muscular system is composed of specialized cells which are called fiber. Their predominant function is contracting. Muscles that are associated with the bones or organs internally or blood vessel responsible for movement. Almost all body movements resulting from muscle contractions. The exception to this are the action of cilia, flagellum in sperm cells, and amoeboidit movements in some white blood beads. Integrated Action joints, bone, and skeletal muscles produce movement such as running and walking. Skeletal muscles also produce more complex movements that result in various facial expressions, eye movements and breathing. Besides movements, muscle contractions also provide functions to mainstream the body such as the attitude, the stability of joints, heat production. Standing as sitting or standing held by muscle contractions. Skeletal muscles contract continuously to keep the body quiver to keep the body in a static position. The more muscle tendons extended on the joints and thereby contribute to the stability of the joints. This is particularly evident in the arm and knee node where the tendons of the muscles are mëdhejnë factors in stabilizing the joints. Nxehësisë production, to maintain body temperature, it is important from a product of muscle metabolism. Almost 85% of the heat produced in the body is the result of muscle contractions. Muscle bicepsi two-headed or who has sensory cell composition (m. Biceps brachii) - consists of two heads: krerit long and short. Kreri short (caput longus) originally from the acromion process of the shoulder (scapula), and relates to blead the forearm bone (radius), kreri short (caput brevis) originally from the coracoid process of the shoulder (scapulae), while related with blead forearm bone (radius). Muscle biceps brachii lies at the front of the upper bone of the hands (humerus) and represents approximately 1/3 of the muscle mass of the upper part of the hands. Muscle bicep muscles is among the most famous in the body, when someone asks you to tell muscles, he does not requested by you that you bend your thigh muscle, but dshiron to see your biceps muscle. The primary function of the biceps muscle is to move the forearm toward the wing, (bending the elbow). The second function of the biceps muscle of the forearm is supinacion making it a slap from lartr Skeletal muscles has simplastike structure, so it is not built by cellular structure, but the muscle fiber within which placed a large number of nuclei.
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