Cramps are muscle contraction and contraction basic which activate your muscles, but, unlike regular contractions, these contractions are too painful. When muscles cramp fall, are involuntary contractions. In order to happen contraction, nerve or nerve group should activated. Some strains to activate the nervous group lead to muscle contraction, even when we do not want. Normally, after a contraction of the muscle, the brain sends a signal to the muscles to relax.
During the deadlock, the signal for relaxation is not so clear.
Then comes the lack of balance between activators and inhibitors and our shrinking continues until the result in deadlocks. It is not known exactly why there is imbalance, but it is a theory which falls muscles cramp, are simply too tired.Many think that it is a consequence of dehydration, but science is not so sure for this.
Dehydration : If you are dehydrated, then it creates a certain imbalance in the body, particularly in liquids and salts, a state which affects the whole body and not in a particular muscle.Could it be that dehydration and lack of it is related to the lack of certain minerals such as; potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are responsible for the appearance of convulsions, but it is not safe.
Drug: Some medications are listed that may have potential side effects such as; muscle cramps. There is a genetic predisposition for frequent cramps, for they do not know enough. So all those who say that the appearance of deadlock related to the consumption of some drugs
Heat: Sometimes cramps announced due to some external factors that otherwise could easily be avoided, for example, when after a hot day on the beach sleep with legs uncovered and cold winds blowing over them.The good thing is that most of the deadlock can leave massage or traction and lasting no more than a few minutes. For muscle convulsions do not need to worry shumë.Më the worst that can happen to you is that they can continue for several days.In rare cases, cramps may signal more serious diseases, such as spinal cord injury or nerve pluck. If you frequently have pain, contact your doctor.Only he can tell you exactly how to do when you have problems with cramps and what to eat and drink that these be overcome, because the real pain caused by cramps are often unbearable.
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