Friday, January 23, 2015

Kilogram melt quickly with magic soup!

Poor soup preferably calorie drink in unlimited quantities, at any time of day

Simple diet of soup '' magic '' or cabbage soup, because of its practicality, was once very popular. Suitable for all, especially for people who do not have much free time, this diet is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals such .Si it accelerates metabolism, helps in melting fats and cleansing the body of toxins. This diet soup base, for the preparation of which does not need heavy costs.

It can be caught in large quantities and can stay a few days. Perparesiar of this diet is that, during her detention, do not need to endure hunger. Poor soup calorie drink preferably in limited quantities, at any time of day. The more you drink, the more will get thiner. Depending on certain days, can eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats, rice and milk drink. If you do not like meat, pork, on certain days can eat chicken breast without skin,  grilled, or can eat grilled fish. It is important that only some of these days not to eat beef.

During maintaining this diet, is prohibited drinking alcoholic beverages and sugary drinks and eating the bread is not allowed and pastries (including pasta, spaghetti ...).

It is important to drink plenty of fluids, at least 6-8 glasses a day, and hack without sugar, or even a cup of black coffee. If you hold the menu, the first week will lose 4.5 to 7 kg. If you lose more than 7 pounds, before continuing with the diet, pauzoni few days.

Soup ingredients:

6 onions, a large cabbage, a large celery, 2 green peppers, carrots 2-4, 4-5 tomatoes or 2 cans tomato, 1.5 l of water, 2 packages of soup or chicken soup meters, or cow, parsley, salt, pepper and spices (spices) plant as desired.

First day: drink only soup and eat fruit.

You can eat all fruits except bananas.

You can also drink water and tea without sugar.

Second day: drink soup and eat vegetables (fresh, cooked, canned).

Avoid beans, peas and corn. For dinner can eat baked potatoes with the peel, with a little salt and butter.

Day Three: allowed to drink soup and eat all kinds of vegetables and fruit. If they're restrained guidelines, should have lost 2-3 pounds.

Fourth day: drink soup and fat free milk, eat up to 3 bananas.

Day five: can drink soup in unlimited quantities and can eat meat and vegetables. DAG can eat 300-600 boiled cow meat and 6 tomatoes.

Day Six: drink soup, eat meat boiled beef and vegetables, but not potatoes.

Day Seven: in addition to soup, you can also eat integral rice cooked in water with spices as desired. Eat all the vegetables.


Since the early days of the diet can lose 2-4 pounds, mostly water. Only if you continue to obey the rules of this diet can have a lasting loss kileve. Preferably, after they have complied with this diet for seven days, the pauzoni two weeks and start again, of course, if you want to lose even more weight.

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