Thursday, January 22, 2015

Muscular System

The muscular system is a set of muscle of bodies of living organisms and make possible their movement. Muscular system is composed of specialized cells which are called fiber. Their predominant function is contracting. Muscles that are associated with the bones or organs internally or blood vessel responsible for movement. Almost all body movements resulting from muscle contractions. The exception to this are the action of cilia, flagellum in sperm cells, and amoeboidit movements in some white blood beads. Integrated Action joints, bone, and skeletal muscles produce movement such as running and walking. Skeletal muscles also produce more complex movements that result in various facial expressions, eye movements and breathing. Besides movements, muscle contractions also provide functions to mainstream the body such as the attitude, the stability of joints, heat production. Standing as sitting or standing held by muscle contractions. Skeletal muscles contract continuously to keep the body quiver to keep the body in a static position. The more muscle tendons extended on the joints and thereby contribute to the stability of the joints. This is particularly evident in the arm and knee node where the tendons of the muscles are mëdhejnë factors in stabilizing the joints. Nxehësisë production, to maintain body temperature, it is important from a product of muscle metabolism. Almost 85% of the heat produced in the body is the result of muscle contractions. Muscle bicepsi two-headed or who has sensory cell composition (m. Biceps brachii) - consists of two heads: krerit long and short. Kreri short (caput longus) originally from the acromion process of the shoulder (scapula), and relates to blead the forearm bone (radius), kreri short (caput brevis) originally from the coracoid process of the shoulder (scapulae), while related with blead forearm bone (radius). Muscle biceps brachii lies at the front of the upper bone of the hands (humerus) and represents approximately 1/3 of the muscle mass of the upper part of the hands. Muscle bicep muscles is among the most famous in the body, when someone asks you to tell muscles, he does not requested by you that you bend your thigh muscle, but dshiron to see your biceps muscle. The primary function of the biceps muscle is to move the forearm toward the wing, (bending the elbow). The second function of the biceps muscle of the forearm is supinacion making it a slap from lartr Skeletal muscles has simplastike structure, so it is not built by cellular structure, but the muscle fiber within which placed a large number of nuclei.

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